Uploading Files from React Native to a NodeJs Server using `fs.createWriteStream()`

Uploading Files from React Native to a NodeJs Server using `fs.createWriteStream()`

leveraging the power of streams using nodejs.

You wanna hear a story ?

  • Are you stuck while uploading a file from React Native to a server ?
  • Do you want a Progress Indicator also ?
  • Do you also want to create a stream to receive the data chunk by chunk in your server ?

Well, then this story is for you.... I am writing my learnings in this blog post, I hope it server you well.

Configuring the React Native Client

  • First install react native fs using npm
    npm install react-native-fs

    Mistakes I made :

  • I used the full file path i.e. starting with file://, don't do that. Rather use the relative filepath.
  • Didn't carefully craft my request headers. Do that carefully.
  • Didn't dive deep into filetype of the file to be uploaded. You can do that using react-native-file-type

Below is a small script that denotes the type of syntax you should follow, taken directly from the README.md of the concerned dependency.

let filepath = '/data/user/0/com.<app-name>/<path to file>' // always use this path, otherwise check path using "console.log(RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath);" .Other paths might lead to error.
let files = {{
         name: 'file_name',
         filename: filename,
         filepath: filepath,
         filetype: 'video/mp4',
let uploadUrl =  'https://<domain-name>/<api route>/';
       toUrl: uploadUrl,
       method: 'POST',
       files: files,
       headers: {
         Accept: 'application/json',
           'Bearer <xxx-bearer-token for auth purposed>',
       begin: uploadBegin,
       progress: uploadProgress,
 }).promise.then(response => {
         if (response.statusCode == 200) {
           console.log('FILES UPLOADED!');
         } else {
           console.log('SERVER ERROR');
 }).catch(err => {
         if (err.description === 'cancelled') console.log('cancelled by user');

Upload Begin and UploadProgress 's reference are taken form RNFS official documentation. They both act as progress indicators.

let uploadBegin = res => {
       var jobId = res.jobId;
       console.log('UPLOAD HAS BEGUN! JobId: ' + jobId);
let uploadProgress = res => {
       var percentage = Math.floor(
         (res.totalBytesSent / res.totalBytesExpectedToSend) * 100,
       console.log('uploading : ' + percentage + '%');

Configuring the NodeJs server route with fs.createWriteStream()

My Mistakes :

  • I didn't know, how to use streams or what they are...

Set up a stream to receive chunks of the file being uploaded, one at a time, hence, enabling a smooth

router.use('/', Middlewares.authenticateUser)
.post((req, res) => {
    let stream = fs.createWriteStream('./output');
    stream.on('drain', ()=>{
        // the 'drain' event will be emitted when it is appropriate to resume writing data to the stream.
    stream.on('close', function () {
        console.log("Streaming completed")
        res.statusCode(200).json({message: "File has been uploaded"})
    stream.on('error', function (err) {
        res.statusCode(401).json({message: "File upload has failed."})

Why use streams ? benefits ?

  • Memory efficiency : You don't need to load large amounts of data in memory before you are able to process it.
  • Time efficiency : It takes way less time to start processing data as soon as you have it, rather than waiting till the whole data payload is available to start.

!! Happy Coding !!

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